Party Color Scheme Inspiration: Brighten Up Your Bash!

Prepare to be inspired! This post will make you want to throw a party just to use one of these fabulous party color schemes. I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of finding some pretty pictures and creating some color schemes for you. Oh, well, you’re welcome. Which is your favorite?

Party color inspiration. So many pretty color ideas.

This tablescape was for a wedding, but don’t let that stop you! Use it as inspiration. You could use this same palette for any type of pretty party.

Party color inspiration. So many pretty color ideas.
The little touch of chartreuse with the aqua makes this party color scheme so refreshing and interesting.

Party color inspiration. So many pretty color ideas.
I think I’m in love! I love the navy with these bright colors. So crisp and fun.

Party color inspiration. So many pretty color ideas.
This palette really appeals to me. This photo is from a kid’s party but this color combination could easily be used for a bridal shower, baby shower, birthday party, anything really.

Party color inspiration. So many pretty color ideas.
Isn’t this just so colorful and fun! I love how they pulled the colors from the candy into the garland. Color inspiration is everywhere!